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Sibratsgfäll | To the lovelies mountain pasture

Sibratsgfäll | To the lovelies mountain pasture

Winterwandern von Sibratsgfäll nach Schönenbach
Winterlandschaft in Sibratsgfäll
Winterlandschaft in Sibratsgfäll
Winterwanderweg von Sibratsgfäll nach Schönenbach
Tief verschneite Landschaft in Sibratsgfäll
Kapelle Schönenbach im Winter
Jagdgasthaus Egender in Schönenbach im Winter
Käsknöpfle essen im Jagdgasthaus Egender in Schönenbach
Typisches Haus in der Vorsäßsiedlung in Schönenbach
Die Vorsäßsiedlung Schönenbach im Winter
Winterwandern in Schönenbach
Winter hiking

Wild and romantic trail through the Subersach gorge from Sibratsgfäll to Schönenbach and retour.

If you take the bus, you must first take the road or follow the flattened winter hiking path down to the car park in Krähenberg (approx. 30 minutes). From the Krähenberg car park, the road descends steeply to Bilgeri's snack bar in Krähenberg. The flattened winter path starts here (keep on the cross-country ski run). Crossing a narrow gorge with impressive views down to the Subersach is a lovely experience. The valley soon reveals itself, and the beautivully located mountain pasture settlement of Schönenbach (1,025 m) is in front of you.

Schönenbach is one of the lovelies, largest mountain pasture settlements in the whole of the Bregenzerwald. It was mentioned for the first time in 1491, compirses over 25 huts and one chapel. Cattle graze on the mountain pasture before and after the alp period. During the summer, the pastures are mowed. In the spring and autumn, the milk is processed into butter and cheese in a collective alpine dairy.

3:30 h


If you take the bus, you must first take the road or follow the flattened winter hiking path down to the car park in Krähenberg (approx. 30 minutes). From the Krähenberg car park, the road descends steeply to Bilgeri's snack bar in Krähenberg. The flattened winter path starts here (keep on the cross-country ski run). Crossing a narrow gorge with impressive views down to the Subersach is a lovely experience. The valley soon reveals itself, and the beautivully located mountain pasture settlement of Schönenbach (1,025 m) is in front of you.


A drink/food:
Bilgeri's in Krähenberg, Sägerstüble in Schönenbach



Best time of year



- waterproof footwear
- warm outerwear

Safety information

140 Alpine emergency Austria
144 Alpine emergency Vorarlberg
112 Euro-emergency call

Public transport

Tour facts

Data source
vcloud, ID 87e75403-e990-4726-83bd-a94f453af305
Last updated
05.09.2024, 14:39:14